Tumores anteriores de la base del cráneo
Nicolai Piero Bradley Patrick J.
Edición: 1
- Páginas: 256
- Tamaño: Manual
- Presentación: Pasta Dura
- DR ©: 2020
- ISBN: 9783318066692
1 - 12: Macroscopic and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Anterior Skull Base and Adjacent Structures
13 - 27: Pathology and Differential Diagnosis of Anterior Skull Base Tumours
28 - 45: The Role of Morphologic and Functional Imaging in Pretreatment Assessment
46 - 55: Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery: Surgical Techniques and Complications
56 - 67: Anterior Skull Base Surgery in the 21st Century: The Role of Open Approaches
68 - 77: Update of Radiation Techniques Using Photons for Anterior Skull Base Tumors
78 - 86: The Evolving Role of Systemic Therapy in the Primary Treatment of Sinonasal Cancer
87 - 105: Particle Therapy: Protons and Heavy Ions
106 - 113: Benign Tumors of the Anterior Cranial Base
114 - 123: Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches for Anterior Skull Base Meningiomas
124 - 136: Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Variants
137 - 153: A Comprehensive Update on Intestinal- and Non-Intestinal-Type Adenocarcinomas
154 - 167: Olfactory Neuroblastoma
168 - 184: Neuroendocrine Carcinoma and Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma
185 - 196: Sinonasal Malignant Melanoma
197 - 209: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
210 - 217: Other Rare Sinonasal Malignant Tumours Involving the Anterior Skull Base
218 - 230: Posttreatment Imaging Surveillance
231 - 245: Treatment Options for Recurrent Anterior Skull Base Tumors
246 - 250: Future Perspectives in the Management of Tumors of the Anterior Skull Base
Categoría | Medicina |
Especialidad | Libros |
Especialidad | Otorrinolaringología |
Especialidad | Distribuciones |
Especialidad | Karger |